Imagine going through the drive through at McDondald's, ordering a BigMac only to find out when you eat it, that it has chicken in it. What would you think about that? Have you ever met somebody who constantly invades your personal space and gets into your business without an invitation?
I spend most of my weekday mornings exercising in a hot water pool, there are plenty of benefits to exercising in water, the fact that the water takes away most of your body weight makes the workout effective but yet low impact. The pool is an awesome place to go, I have made a lot of friends both young and old. What I like about the pool is that we are all in some way or form in the same boat. We either have a disability or injury that keeps us from going to Gold's. However, the pool is also a very intimate place, we are after all half naked sharing a huge bathtub. Whenever you have more than one person in one place, issues are bound to arise. I will, however, have to say that considering how many people come and go, they are surprisingly few and far between. We are all very careful to keep evil gossip at a minimum.
Yesterday I had my first really "ugly" experience in the pool. I think I managed to stop the situation before it got out of hand by simply removing my self from it. I left earlier than I normally would, but there are really very few places to hide in a pool unless you keep your head under water, and that is not a long term solution.
In one of my first posts I mentioned how unsolicited advice is one of my biggest pet peeves unless you are a close friend, family member, or Dr. To me the unsolicited advice is unwelcome regardless of whether it is about how best to manage my MD or how to brush my teeth, keep it to yourself unless asked. Well, some people appear to have a problem understanding that, and also with understanding when to be quiet. The same type of person for some reason also has problems understanding that it is rude to bud in on other peoples' conversations and take over. There is a person at the pool, who repeatedly gets in everybody's business, it really doesn't matter what the issue is, she always has either a better solution to whatever you are talking about, or a sob story involving herself and how she has been mistreated. I have several times (almost daily) just smiled and said sure when she has gone to far. She is probably just lonely.
Yesterday I was speaking to a friend about how I was tired because of an added work load at work. Ms B (busybody), decided to bud in and proceed to tell me how I could improve on the situation. I told her that her solutions really weren't options as we have certain procedures and rules to follow, and that the company I work for is a franchise business, so even if I could think of a better way of doing things, it simply wouldn't be an option.
Anyway, she would NOT let it go, she kept trying to discuss it with me. I finally said that I no longer wanted to discuss the issue as there was nothing to discuss. She still did not get it, and my blood slowly started to boil. When I had had enough, I left the pool without making a scene, I was rapidly approaching a place where I wanted to rip her head off.
I feel good about myself for not letting my temper get the best of me in a public place, but I do feel bad about not going back to face her today. I need a plan that will restore peace, and keep us both happy before that will happen, she will not be the one to come up with it. I harbor no hard feelings, I just pity her. All she did was try to get me to sell a BigMac with chicken, and how could she know that is not a good idea?
Lunch anyone?
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Great analogy of things-you're a great journalist.. your writing skills are so good. And.....I agree with you. :)
ReplyDeleteWell written, I love the metaphor and I totally empathize with your reactions.