It has been a long time since I last wrote here, actually the longest since I started my blog, the only reason is simply that I have been very busy. Busy is good, but being the moseying kind, a little peace and quiet is always to be desired. For those of you who are not familiar with my blog, moseying is what I do when I just need alone time. I usually spend the time cooking, and Yesterday was no exception, we have enough Danish comfort food to feed a small army. My batteries are recharged, at least a little.
Yesterday I was very saddened to hear that Elizabeth Edwards, a strong, inspiring, graceful, and admirable woman, has halted her treatments for cancer. Her life is now measured in weeks not months. Sometimes you just wonder why the good ones have to travel the roughest roads, and the only reason can be that something better will be there for her. I am currently reading a book called Heaven by Randy Alcorn, it is taking me a long time to get through it as some of the stuff in there is way beyond my intellectual capabilities, but I try none the less. However, last night while reading, I did see just a little ray of hope. I don't know if Elizabeth Edwards believes in Jesus, but I have a feeling she does, and Alcorn pretty much said that the harder your life on Earth, the bigger your reward in Heaven. I am sure Elizabeth will be very rich, and I can only hope to be good enough to meet her and draw on her wisdom!
Reading the book, Heaven, in addition to being a challenge to my little brain, can at times be somewhat emotional. Mr Alcorn conducted a lot of research before writing it, and he is not sparing any punches! I am still new to Christianity and I don't even know if I can even call myself a Christian. Some say that I could or should, so I might. One of my arguments for not being a Christian in the past was that why would I want to go to Heaven when all the interesting and fun people will be in hell?, besides I don't like the cold! I was OK with taking the chance that God was real! I was OK with taking the chance that if I was wrong I would be going to Hell. I am not so sure anymore, I am pretty convinced that God is real, if I believe that God is real, then there is one of Alcorn's statements that I have a hard time coming to terms with. The statement is that if I become a Christian, I will never again see the people I love, who went ahead of me, and who obviously won't be in Heaven. He says that even good people will go to Hell if they don't accept Jesus, I will need to ponder that one. Maybe I should mosey over in the kitchen and see if there is anything to cook :-)
Please pray for the Edwards family I am not yet qualified to do so, but I know that a lot of you are.
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