Thursday, November 4, 2010

Queen of excuses

I am sure that at some point in your life, most of you have experienced a dip in your level of motivation, I definitely have, and I am going through one right now. I have not forgotten the blog, actually quite the opposite, I have tried to write entries several times, and nothing happens, my fingers don't walk anywhere, they just sit.

I am not exactly sure how to explain what is going on, I have stayed busy, very busy actually, but yet I have also spent a lot of time just moseying around at home. I am definitely going through a period where going to the pool just does not appeal to me at all, I love going there, and I know I need to go, just like I know I need to eat my vegetables. But sometimes vegetables just don't cut it, you want something different, or even something more. I really really wish I could graduate from the pool to a regular gym so I could change things up a little, spend a couple of days a week in the pool, and a couple of days in the gym.

The Albuterol is definitely still helping, I still feel strong. As mentioned, I have been using my strength moseying around at home. You probably wonder what I mean by that, well my dears it is quite simple. I love cooking and baking etc, so I have literally spent days cooking and baking, I have been happy just spending time alone and have had no desire to be around people. I have branched out a lot and some of you have benefited from it. I have learned how to make mini pumpkin pies from scratch, I made mini pecan pies, and my pride and joy, pumpernickel rye on the grill. I challenged myself to use up things we already had in the pantry and the fridge, it is possible to make an excellent cauliflower soup with very few ingredients, you can make great hummus with chili peppers, chick peas, garlic, and artichokes! While my food has been cooking or baking, I have managed to keep the house clean, so I will no longer need to take you to McD if you show up unannounced. We have had to spend less time cleaning on the weekends! Hey that's a good thing isn't it?

To me, moseying feels good, but in reality it is just a way for me to get out of eating my vegetables.

I am still traveling down my path of experiencing Christianity, Tom and I finally decided that we were going to try to go to church, hey, we could always just sneak in the back door, and never come back if we didn't like it. Tom is Catholic, and technically I am Lutheran. As mentioned in a previous post, I don't like labels, I don't like being labeled disabled. Denominations are also a form of labels. We decided to check out a Presbyterian church, we had heard good things about it. Those of you who know us personally, know that we are NEVER late. Well, we got out of bed Sunday morning, we had plenty of time to drink our coffee, read the paper and still shower and get ready. Once we were done showering we both noticed that we did not have any church appropriate clothes, so after some grumbling etc, we found some nice'ish jeans and shirts, and off we went. We arrived at the church three minutes before the service, and ended up getting a parking spot really far away. There was no way for us (me) to make it inside in time, so there went my plan of sneaking unnoticed in the backdoor. I would be the one coming in late, the one everybody turns around to look at. Everybody would wonder who we are, we would be wearing jeans, I enter walking like a duck! This Saturday we will put our clothes out before we go to bed and give it another shot Sunday morning.


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